Swiss Dental Implants

Swiss Dental Implants at Maryland Dental Center

The center in Maryland for periodontics and dental implants.

While we use More than nine different dental implant systems in our offices; we optimize the procedures and match the implant system for the clinical situation of our patients. Our default implant is made in switzerland and this is what we use 99% of the time. however our implantalogists are fully trained with years of experience and thousands of implants placed to give you the implant that fits your need and your dental anatomy.

Dr. Mehrabian places dental implants even in complicated procedures that requires bone grafting and soft tissue grafting. He uses the most advanced technology available in dentistry such as our digital x-rays & on-site CT scanner our experienced staff provide the dental treatment for all surgeries to our patients. Dr. Mehrabian also uses techniques and machines to extract what is called a PRF to promote tissue healing and tissue regeneration in an amazing short amount of time. Most of his patients go back to work a few hours after the implant procedure and do not even need any medication but antibiotics for infection prevention.  His implant placement techniques have perfected over 16 years of surgical procedures and combined with some of the most advacne technology such as CT scan next to surgical room he performs some of the most predictable surgical implant placements.

Experience where it matters the most

When considering dental implants, the lowest price shouldn’t be your main concern. Experience matters. Oral surgery such as dental implant procedures requires expertise and a dedicated passion for implants (periodontists).

Our chief dentist, Dr. Mehrabian, main interest is dental implants. He has years of experience with and as of 2021, has placed more than 2,500 implants.

Are dental implants painful?

During any operation….. NO! Dental procedures should never be painful. Patients are given local anesthesia (lidocaine) for pain. Sedation is also another option available.

Post surgery you may feel general numbness or soreness; pain medications can be administered under recommendation of the doctor.

Cost of dental implants

We receive the same question many times throughout the day: How much would it cost for me to get a dental implant? We would like to give a flat out answer but we can’t. There are many factors to consider: how many teeth are missing, your bone density, and the health of your jaw bone. Other operations like CT scans, bone grafts and soft tissue bone grafts may need to be performed.

What we can say is: we strive to be the most affordable in the area while also maintaining the highest level of quality.

Please check out our Dental Implant Special*.

*for new patients only

Many insurance companies now cover dental implants. You should check with your insurance company to see if you’re eligible. Ineligible insurance holders or persons without insurance that see the benefits of dental implants can apply for our financing through our credit partners. Check out our insurance and financing page for more information.