Articles we support!

  • Brushing Your Teeth Properly

    For adult, or even children I would recommend that you use a soft toothbrush instead of a medium or hard. As a soft toothbrush has the best effect and least detrimental consequences to the enamel of the teeth. You should use the toothbrush in a 45 degree angle and not in a perpendicular angle and…

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  • Toothpaste

    Brushing with toothpaste (also called a “dentifrice”) is important for several reasons. First and foremost, toothpaste and a correct brushing action work to remove plaque. Plaque is a sticky, harmful film of bacteria that grows on your teeth. This can cause caries, gum disease, and eventual tooth loss if not controlled. Second, toothpaste contains fluoride,…

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  • Mouthguards: What to know

    A mouthguard is a flexible appliance made out of plastic that is worn in athletic and recreational activities to protect teeth from trauma. Why should I wear a mouthguard? To protect your mouth from injuries. The dental profession unanimously supports the use of mouthguards in a variety of sports activities. More than 200,000 injuries to…

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  • brushing teeth


    What is the best technique for brushing? There are a number of effective brushing techniques. Patients are advised to check with their dentist or hygienist to determine which technique is best for them, since, tooth position and gum condition vary. One effective, easy-to-remember technique involves using a circular or elliptical motion to brush a couple…

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